Guest Room Makeover
Guest Room Makeover
Our guest bedroom was becoming a catch-all for random things in our home. It was the room I would walk by and turn my head so I wouldn't have to 'deal with it.'
Like most people, I didn't have time or the budget to do something totally drastic and get all new everything.
So, I started small. A year ago, I bought two new bedside tables. Months later, I decided to work on a digital mood board to compile any new items in a visual manner where I could see them all together. That design board evolved a lot over time. I kept searching and browsing online for different bedding options, wall art, a statement rug, and table lamps. When I started to get overwhelmed by the possibilities, I took a break. I stood in my living room and thought, why wouldn't I try and carry over some of the color and feelings I love so much in that room, into the guest bedroom? So, I started back with new intentions. Keep the feeling light and airy, with gray and white tones, sort of beach-y, like a vacation. The goal became creating a room where I would want to relax in at the end of a stressful day. Cozy bedding. Neutral colors that don't over-stimulate the brain. Wood tone furniture for a touch of warmth. And greenery of some kind.
What I kept -
-The tan linen fabric headboard - I was unsure on the color at first, but I feel like it brings in a sandy element to a coastal feeling room, so it stayed.
-The walnut desk (not shown) which serves as a place to write, put on makeup, and it also holds the television.
-As for greenery, I went classic with a fiddle leaf fig tree to add some dimension and life to the corner. This was previously in another room.
What I bought -
-This West Elm herringbone flannel duvet cover - it is so dreamy soft and warm!
-The crisp white Crate & Barrel euro pillow covers - they offer a nice contrast to the gray bedding.
-All of the art is printed and framed by Minted. I love these pieces! The little pink car photograph and the turquoise bicycle photograph add a playful touch to an otherwise subdued mood in the room.
- Paint - The walls were next up to receive a fresh color, Sheep's Wool by Benjamin Moore.
- Lighting - To round out the new crisp feeling, I chose white on white lamps from Wayfair for the bedside tables.
The end product is something I love. I'm sure it will be tweaked a bit over time, but I love the peaceful feeling in this room!
Finished Photos -

Before -
This room was just blah. No character, no style.